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Oconto Beer Kühlwagen (Reefer) OBCX 102580
Oconto Beer Kühlwagen (Reefer) OBCX 102580

Oconto Beer Kühlwagen (Reefer) OBCX 102580
Description: English below

Oconto Beer Kühlwagen der "American Serie" von USA Trains.
* Luken für Eisbarren zum Öffnen
* Separat angesetzte Griffstangen, Leitern & Stufen
* Türen zum Öffnen
* Detaillierter Unterbau
* Haken- und Klauenkupplungen liegen bei
* Detaillierte Archbar Drehgestelle
* Authentische Beschriftung
Eine komplette Liste aller USA Trains Wagen der Serie R16xxx (nur fünf-stellige Produktnummern) finder man im Eintrag des R16001 Kühlwagens hier: http://www.gbdb.info/details.php?image_id=3661


Oconto Beer wood-sided reefer of the USA Trains "American Series"
* Operating Ice Hatches
* Separately Molded Handrails, Ladders, & Corner Steps
* Brass Brake Shaft
* Operating Doors
* Detailed Under Body
* Both Hook/Loop and Knuckle Couplers Provided
* Detailed Archbar Trucks
* Authentic Paint Schemes
* Sound Systems Available
A complete listing of all USA Trains cars of the series R16xxx (five digit product IDs only) can be found in the GBDB entry for the R16001 reefer here: http://www.gbdb.info/details.php?image_id=3661
Manufacturer: USA-Trains Catalog Number: R16403
Country of Origin: USA Road Number: OBCX 102580
Year of Manufacture: 2011 Epoch:  
with Digital Decoder: Scale: 1:24
Decoder Interface: Gauge: 45mm
Sound: Weight in Grams: 930
Smoke: Length in mm: 420
Minimum Radius in mm: 600 Number of Motors:  
User Guide: Sound File (wav):
Service Parts Diagram: Sound File (mp3):
Spare Parts List: Video (mp4):
Expert Instructions: Additional Documentation:
Decoder Installation: Additional Information: (zip):
Date: 01/10/2012 Hits: 4759
Added by: krs File size: 301.6 KB

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Oconomowoc Brewing Company Kühlwagen (Reefer) OBCX 4200  
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Offener Güterwagen, unbeschriftet (Gondola, undecorated)
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