Possible pre-production test shot LGB factory painted beige over blue 2030 loco.
Features are as follows:
1) Molded black chassis.
2) Split motor block.
3) 20-volt lighting system.
4) Flip tab selector use to change from track to catenary power.
5) Enclosed headlights.
6) Universal brake hose location chassis.
7) No pinstripes anywhere on body.
8) No functional electrical outlets.
9) Early gray smooth roof painted glossy with soot edges.
10) Snap-in keyhole “2010†rear male coupler hook.
No absolute confirmation is available at this time as to whether this is an LGB factory produced prototype. All features and details (wheels, screws, couplers, buffers, windows, wires, etc.) place its production exactly after the 2030 and before the 2030E (approx. 1983).
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